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Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

my life when my father be a commander

My father had been a commander in arhanud 3 bandung.when I heard my father will be a commander, I was immediately excited and screaming like a madman.being a commander is my father's dream since the first.ever since my father became commander,My father once prosperous.I was very happy when my father became commander.I got a new phone and new laptop.My father received the same people there with good hearts.many people said my father well and not too hard for its members.I am proud of my dad.He stayed there ever since my dad was always in the respect because he was a commander.I have two good drivers and friendly and very funny.the people there very dear to my papa.memories of living there will not be forgotten by me my father your children.you make me proud to be your child.and my mom,You are a good woman and attention to their members.thanks for citizens arhanud 3 bandung had received my father became the commander there.I am sad to hear that my father had not become a commander.I'd love to live there forever.I do not want to upset due to leave arhanud 3 bandung.I always cry because remember my life when my fathe be commander.My family arhanud 3 bandung, you are that makes me know what's a soldier's soldier.I am happy to meet with you arhanud 3.thanks for the kindness you and I apologize if I got one for you.

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